Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

Bird watching

Due to the lack of a Scooter, i could put more effort in Birdwatching.
It is an amazing feeling to see more and more birds coming back from the south to fill the Arctic landscape with life.

Barnacle goose - hvikinngaas - Weißwangengans

King Eider - Praktaerfugl - Prachteiderente

Common Eider - Aerfugl - Eiderente

Snow bunting - Snoespurv - Schneeammer

Purple Sandpiper - Fjaereplytt - Meerstrandläufer

Northern Fulmar - Havhest - Eissturmvogel

Glaucous gull - Polarmaake - Eismöwe

Black-legged Kittiwake - Krykkje - Dreizehenmöwe

Barnacle goose - Hvitkinngaas - Weißwangengans

Pink-footed goose - Kortnebgaas - Kurzschnabelgans

Ivory Gull - Ismaake - Elfenbeinmöwe

Brünnich's Guillemont - Polarlomvi - Dickschnabellumme

Little Auk - Alkekonge - Krabbentaucher

Black Guillemont - Teist - Gryllteiste

Arctic Skua - Tyvio - Schmarotzerraubmöwe

Pomarine Skua - Polarjo - Spatelraubmöwe

Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan - Svalbardrype - Alpenschneehuhn

Atlantic Puffin - Lunde - Papageitaucher

red phalarope - thorshühnchen

Brant goose - Ringelgans
Eurasian Oystercatcher - Austernfischer

Dunlin - Alpenstrandläufer

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